English as a Second Language

Did you know that the English as a Second Language and Migrant Programs of the Decatur City School System service over 1300 students representing over 25 different languages? Our students come from very diverse backgrounds and, at times, come to us with little or no previous instruction in the English language.                                    

Our talented staff of teachers, paraprofessionals, and migrant liaisons is also composed of individuals from many different cultures. Our staff provides professional development and on-site assistance for teachers who work with the English Learner. Our bilingual staff works to ensure parents and students are getting the information they need in a language they can understand through translations and interpretations. We even provide evening classes to assist parents in learning English. Our dedicated staff work to ensure that each and every student is not only proficient in the English language but also in the State’s challenging academic standards as well.

DCS English Learners Program - July 2022